Jira Factory configuration

Step 1: Build the list in Jira:

sticky rectangle

Step 2: Click on advanced to have the request in rest mode:

sticky rectangle

Step 3: rebuild the rest request to test it:

https://{your id}.atlassian.net/ rest/api/2/search?jql=project = YOUR_PROJECT AND fixVersion = "1.0"

Step 4: copy/paste the request in a web browser and check if you get a result.

Step 5 (optional): check the full URL in a browser to validate the syntax.

Step 6: Create a Jira factory. Put the bold part from step 3 into field JIRA Base URL. Concatenate the other two parts and put the result into field REST Request

sticky rectangle

Use the Test button to validate your inputs.

Chose the color of the factory and the related stickies.

Then OK

Factory appears:

sticky rectangle

Step 7: Resize and reposition it:

sticky rectangle

Step 8: Put it in the background and lock it.

Step 9: Refresh it.