Sticky side menu items

There are several actions you can perform on a sticky. Most of them are accessible using the right bar displayed on mouse over.

icon magnifying glass Show details

All sticky properties are not always displayed on the board. To see those extra properties, you must open the detail popup by clicking on Details.

lock unlock Lock / unlock (Project administrator only)

Only project's administrators can do it.

This will allow them to lock a sticky on the board by clicking on the lock button. A locked sticky cannot be updated or moved. You can re-enable move and update by unlocking it.

edit Update

You can update sticky information by clicking Edit button. This will display popup where you can fill up fields.

duplicate Copy (duplication)

You can duplicate an existing sticky by clicking duplicate button. This will make an exact copy of a sticky.

duplicate Put in background

You can manage differents levels of depth for a sticky. When you move a sticky, it is automatically set in the front. You can click on Put in background button to put it in background back.

duplicate Delete

Warning: This action cannot be undone.

You can delete a sticky by clicking on delete button.

move Move to another board

You can move a sticky to another board you have access to by clicking on move button. The sticky will be removed from the actual board and put on the new one with sames properties